TikTok: The Perfect Platform For Your Small Business

Your small business NEEDS to be on TikTok. 

Everyone is on social media these days. It’s created a great platform to reach new audiences and build a connection with people who love to learn about the kind of brand you’ve built and products or services you offer. Your small business needs to take advantage of this by being active and authentic, ESPECIALLY on TikTok. 

Posting consistently, even multiple times a day, will get new potential customers to see your content and generate traffic to your webpages. A whopping 52% of TikTok users that have come across small business content on TikTok have gone on to make a purchase! It’s because trends show that this newer generation of shoppers (aka Gen Z) would rather support small businesses rather than large corporations. 

Going viral is NOT the goal. People want to see organic content and connect with what your brand is all about so showing up for them is what matters. But studies show that 10% of small business accounts do eventually go viral and that attention can do wonders for your sales. So do the silly meme trends and use popular music but remember to create MEANINGFUL content that speaks to what your brand is about. Let people know your story and what sets you apart. Once you understand what your audience responds well to, tailor your content strategy and watch it drive traffic to your site.

It can inspire other content creators to want to make content with your products and that exposure will help your numbers grow SIGNIFICANTLY. The more people engaging with your brand, the more reach it’ll have.

Most importantly, CONSISTENCY IS KEY on TikTok. Producing regular content will keep people interested and help your brand get boosted by the TikTok algorithm. Create a schedule and plan your content ahead of time so you don’t risk burning out. 

If you want a team of experienced digital creators to produce content for your brand and manage your social media accounts, look no further. Full Moon Creative is a full service creative, digital marketing and video production company and we are here to help so you can focus on running your business. 

For more advice, connect with us on social @fullmooncreative. ✨


Full Moon Creative LLC.

Full Moon Creative LLC. is a full service Creative company specializing in Video and Event production. We are made up of a talented team of experienced and creative individuals headquartered in Sunrise, Florida. Our team of National Award Winning Creative Professionals specialize in taking a client’s idea and evolving it into a visual story. Over the years we have developed many new and innovative approaches to answering and delivering all of your multimedia needs.